
My name's Alan. If you like classic video games like Zelda, Warcraft or Sim City... we'll probably be best friends.

I like to write about game development, art & music and share random digital experiments.


About Me


Support Development

Wildwood Merch
Now Available

iOS, Free Wildwood

Thoughts & Musings

Adding a Progression Indicator to Wildwood

May 13, 2024

Adding a Retro Video Game Manual to Wildwood

April 15, 2024

Defining Moments: Warcraft III

February 7, 2024

The Problem with My Freemium Indie Game

November 14, 2023

Warcraft Rumble UI/UX Inspiration

November 2, 2023

Wildwood v4.0 is Live!

October 8, 2023


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